Friday, April 8, 2011

WOW.. its been a while sorry for the delays

Hey guys ive been gone for a while but im back.  Morning weight is now hovering around 226, for about the last week or so.  Which is great, but just not good enough.  so today Jason decided to add some workout nutrition into my plan. 

30 minutes prewo 20 grams Waxy Maize and 15 grmas Whey
Intra workout:  30 grams waxy maize w/ extend
pwo: 40 grams waxy maize and 20 grams whey
45 minutes later my normal scheduled PWO meal.

As far as training goes im back on DC 2 way split.  I love it and am stuck in my ways, im progressing nicely every week and setting new PRs so i must be growing.  Thats about all i got for now.  Stay posted

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feb. 24th---Leg Abuse

Last night Steve Broering and myself crushed legs.  It was pretty epic without a doubt, there was a lots of sweat and a litlle bit (a lot actually) of puke involved lol. 

Started like this----warm-ups then:
Squats 4 x failure
SLDL 4 x Failure(heavy)
Leg Press 3 x 15-20(heavy as possible)
Somersault Squats(compliments of Joe Daniels)
3 x 15-20
1 x Drop set

This doesnt look like a lot but trust me, this will smoke your quads and your hammies. For those of you who havent heard of the somersault squat in going to post a video of Joe Daniels explaining how to do it, and where it actually hits in the quad.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb. 21st---Off-Season time--New Diet

Hey guys just recived my first off season diet of the year today.  Im loving the looks of it, thank you Jason Theobald (Natty Nutrition)

6 meals 4500 cals

Breakdown looks like this, very even across the board.
Pro 36%
Carbs 31%
Fats 34%

Meal 1
-Egg Whites
-Egg Yolk
-Almond Butter
-Fish Oil
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each
Meal 2
-Natty Nutrition Protein
-Almond Butter
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each
Meal 3
-Almond Butter
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each
Meal 4 -- prewo
-Almond Butter
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each
Meal 5 pwo
-96 % lean ground beef
-Kids cereal
-Almond Butter
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each
Meal 6
-Egg Whites
-Egg Yolk
-Almond Butter
-Mass Amino/Ultra 40's- 2 each

Morning dry weight today was 203.8

Stay Strong

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb. 20 th

Meet with my trainer today(Jason Theobald),  skinfolds went down on all spots.  Which is great news, this means that while i was not getting my training in because if injury my body was getting leaner.  I think DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) had a lot to do with this.  I added it into my reimen a month ago, my bodyweight stayed the same while on a calorie deficient diet, but my lean mass went up.  Ill get more into detail on that in a diffrent article. 

Yesterday was Legs. 

Warmed up with Leg Extensions and Leg Curls couple quick sets just to get my knees warm

5 x 20,20,15,12,10

Double Banded Leg Press
4 x 20
These are an awesome addition to intensity if you have never done them.  What you do is take 4 bands (2 per side)  attach one end to the base of the leg press and the other end to the bar that u stack the plates on.  As you push in the positive motion the weight becomes heavier and as yu lower the tension becomes less.  This will wear you out

Stiff Leg Deads--Use the 25 lb plates so u can get a better stretch. Squeeze glutes and hamstrings hard at the top.
2x 10
1 x Triple drop set

Leg Curls
3 x 20 with 3 second negative

Calves (DC style)
5 second squeeze at the top, 5 second decent, 10 seconds in the stretch position
1 x Heavt Set
1 x Widowmaker (20 + rep set)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feb.18th 2011--Chest Shoulders

High Incline Press

I like this because i get a real good feel in my upper chest(cllorbone region) and also it kills my delts. two birds w/ one stone
2 x 20- 3/4 range of motion constant TUT ( time under tension)
1 x Triple drop set- going to failiure on each dropset (3/4 range of motion)

Hammer Strength Incline Heavy(with my butt pushed forward on the seat but shoulders back)

4 x 6-8

Machine Flies ( with static pause and 3 second negative)

3 x 10

Single Arm Cable Machine Side Laterals

2 x 10
1 x dropset to failure

Rear Delt Flies

1 x 20
1x 15
1x 30, 1 x 20, 1 x 10 back to back

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb. 17 2011---First Arm Day Back

Today was the first day back to training arms.  Went with a higher volume routine.  Felt great! Im really concentrating on building the brachialis to bring that seperation into the bicep and tricep.  Plus it really pushes them apart giving the apperance of a larger arm.  Hence Phil Heath,

Rope Curl- I like these because i feel tension all the way through the movement, unlike when i use the dumbells
2 x 12 reps-- Holding peak contraction for 1 second squuezing hard. 
1 x Triple Drop Set-- Using a 3 second negative (John Meadows Style)

Lying Tricep Extension from the floor
3 x 12,10,8

Preacher Bar Standing --using pulley weight, for same reason tension throughout movement
2 x 12-- 1 second hold at pwak contraction
1 x triple drop set with 3 second negative

Single Arm Overhead Rope Extensions
3 x 12-- 3 second negatives

Barbell Curl--only bottom half of the movement
3 x 15,12,10

2 x Failure
Static contraction at the end of each set---held to failure

Got a really good pump and it just felt great to get back to training.  he hand barely gave me any trouble looks like its on. 

Meeting with Jason Theobald (Natty Nutrition) my trainer on Sunday. We are going to take the skinfolds and see where im at along with setting up the diet for the start of the offf season.  Ill keep you guys posted on results, and use them as a starting point for the Journey.

Stay Strong

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here is a not so good picture so u guys can get an idea of where i am currently at.  198 in this picture and 6 weeks no upper body training.  Got a long road ahead of me to get it back, but it will come!

Current Diet

Here is the diet im currently following.  Ita a low carb, mod. protein, mod fat diet.  just to keep me lean until we can roll full bore again.

Meal 1--320 Grams Egg White
              60 Grams Yolk
             1/2 Grapefruit

Meal 2-- 54 Grams Whey
              29 Grams Almond Butter

Meal 3-- 155 Grams 99% lean Turkey Breast
               26 Grams Almond Butter

Meal 4(pre wo)-- 53 Grams Whey
               26 Grams Natural Peanut Butter

Meal 5-- 155 Grams 96% lean Ground Beef
               10 Grams Natural Peanut Butter
               80 Grams Oats(pwo)

Meal 6-- 340 Grams Egg Whites
                31 Grams Natural Peanut Butter

- On non workout out days i take the Oats from 5 and move them to meal 1 and move the grapefruit to meal 5.

Cheat meal on sundays

Natty nutrition slin trol with carb meals

Add a 7th pro/fat meal if i know im going to be awake for the extra time.

Pain is Temporary, Greatness is Forever!

Hey guys Im just going to start this out the only way i know how.  Im Jeremy Bennison, here ill basically just be blogging my journey to the stage in 2012.  Ill detail my off season diet along with my training and supplements.  You'll know whats working for me and whats not. 

Lets start from the beginning.  About a year ago i started working with Jason Theobald, owner of and National level bodybuilder.  Decided i wanted to take my fitness to the next step and start bodybuilding.  Over the lasy year we made a lot of good im provements.  Jason took me from 200 lbs 13% avergae gym rat to my thickest of 220 lbs. and 7% and actually looking like a bodybuilder.

Then it happened, new years eve night i dislocated mt thumb.  Turned out i had to have ligament reattchment surgery and 2 titanium screws put into my thumb to hold it into place.  Talk about a set back, 6 weeks no upper body training.  This meant deplete the calories so i didnt get fat and only train legs, abs and cardio.  Well 6 weeks have passed the screws are out, and im down around 20lbs and bodyfat is slightly up. 

Here is where the fun starts back for me.  The screws are out and the hand is healing nicely.  Still at little sore but it is subsiding quickly.  Feb. 20th i meet with Jason we will run the numbers and get back to my original goal.  A stage presence in 2012, this off season we are looking for a lean 250 lbs.  This WILL happen!!!!!

So stay tuned for weekly updates with pictures, stats, pinchfolds and whatever else i can fit into here.

Stay Strong